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News & Announcements

Brawler update inbound

I've set the date for the release of Brawler 2.0... it'll be 4 years from the day that Brawler was originally launched, 14th of Feb.

While making a 5 year anniversary event would have been cooler, I'm sure Apple would have delisted it before then if I did wait. Plus there is no point in just sitting on the update when the majority of it will be completed by this Feburary.

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Apple to kill Soulless... again

It’s that time again when Apple says, “We don’t care if there is nothing wrong with your app and it runs fine. If you don’t put out an unneeded update soon, we’ll kick your app off the App Store. No wonder so many apps have a “fixed bugs” update with no specific fixes.
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Brawler 2.0 progress

I've been fixing many bugs to version 2.0.0 of Brawler (maybe better known as the Brawler HD update). Most are simply a by product of upscaling the entire game, so were unavoidable. It had dawned on me that I've fixed so many of these over a long period of time to the point I've forgotten half the stuff I've already fixed.
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Back to the Fusion!

The Stencyl remake has been put on hold, but for good reason. I was gutted when I discovered gamepad support wasn’t going to be possible for the Mac version of Brawler created in Fusion. I didn’t know until really far into development either. Having started out as a Mac game developer, it felt really crumby that my supporters on that platform would be getting an incomplete experience.
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Brawler turns 2!

Now that Brawler has turned 2 I thought I should provide a little bit of a peek at the upcoming Stencyl remake. It is still in a very early state, but it is all very promising indeed.
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Update 1.1.2 finally hits iOS

The long overdue update for Brawler has finally gone live for iOS. As mention in 1.1.2 is the latest Brawler update, this is the patch that should fix any saving issues, so I'm really glad to finally have all version of Brawler fixed now.
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Brawler to be powered by Stencyl?

What benefits will there be if Brawler was ported to Stencyl? Besides consolidating all of my games into a single engine making it'll easier for updates in the future, due to my choice of game engine used to originally create Brawler, a nasty surprise was that it didn't support game controllers for Mac users.
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Soulless turns 13!

To celebrate the 13th anniversary of Soulless, a previously unreleased version of the game built with Stencyl has been polished off and content from both the previous versions of the game from 2008 and the 2.0.0 update in 2014 have been put into this latest release to provide a deluxe version of the game!
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1.1.2 is the latest Brawler update

Still no luck with the iOS update I'm afraid, but meanwhile, there is another update that should fix any saving issues anyone may have with Brawler. In short, if your settings didn't save or you couldn't unlock any other characters this is the fix you have been waiting for.
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Brawler update 1.1.1

Just a small update to fix a bug that 1.1.0 introduced where enemies became unnaturally difficult to attack from stage 4 onwards.
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