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Cobra Blade

11th of July

Indie Game Developer

Favourite Games: 
Snatcher, Final Fantasy VII, Phantasy Star Online

Favourite Movies:
Space Adventure Cobra, Blade Runner

Favourite TV Shows:
Teknoman, Twin Peaks

Favourite Music:
David Bowie, Billy Idol, Yello, Depeche Mode, a lot of '80s stuff
Stacks Image 1083
About Me

You already know I’m an Indie Game Developer working hard to bring new and exciting games to the Mac & iOS, but did you know I’ve been thinking up game ideas for years?

Even as a kid I would design Sonic levels on paper and come up with character designs for potential fighting games. It just took me getting a Mac to finally see my ideas come to life when I created Soulless in 2008 using Power Game Factory.