Brawler to be powered by Stencyl?
The Stencyl powered version of Soulless is something really special. Anyone that has played one of the previous builds will really feel the performance boost the game received thanks to being built in Stencyl.
What benefits will there be if Brawler was ported to Stencyl? Besides consolidating all of my games into a single engine making it'll easier for updates in the future, due to my choice of game engine used to originally create Brawler, a nasty surprise was that it didn't support game controllers for Mac users. So porting my game to Stencyl will mean everyone will finally be able to play the game as it was intended. Brawler itself also ran at 960x540 to reduce the size of its resources to keep things running smoothly. A Stencyl build will be 1280x720. Most images can simply be resized, but due to the low resolution of my previous version, the actual character sprites suffered. So here is a preview of what a difference re-rendering the sprites will make both in detail and size.
On the left you have a sprite from the original version of Brawler, and on the right you have it re-rendered for Stencyl.